About us

We're the family behind Midnight Sun Painting in Fairbanks, Alaska. We're long-time Alaskans who choose to make Fairbanks our home. Bruce has over thirty years of experience in painting and construction. Raelynn offers the equivalent in business and financial management. Together with our sons and daughter-in-law, and a growing team of goal-oriented individuals who share our vision and values, we strive to professionalize the painting industry through innovation, communication and overall excellence.

family Owned & Operated in Fairbanks Alaska Since 2008

Licensed, Bonded & Insured General Contractor

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Why Work With Midnight Sun Painting?

What is the most impor­tant thing to you when hir­ing a con­trac­tor? Some­one you can count on to do a great job? Some­one who cares about your space? Some­one who is reli­able?

At Midnight Sun Painting, we care about doing a great job for our clients and
aim to sur­pass your expec­ta­tions. Some of our indus­try lead­ing attrib­ut­es include:

  • Car­ing about our employ­ees (high pay, positive work envi­ron­ment, health insurance, benefits)

  • Great cus­tomer ser­vice (excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion, reli­able, trustworthy)

  • We only use the best paints, products, and practices

  • Clean and safe job site

  • 1‑Year War­ran­ty

  • In busi­ness for over 15 years

  • Ful­ly licensed, bond­ed & insured

Meet Our Team


Mission & Core Values